Python Typing Type Hints and Annotations

  • 09:20

    • To do a type annotation for items in a list (a vector basically) you can pass the type like list[int] but this can also be used to pass things like a list of int lists: list[list[int]]
    • To use List as a type you need to from typing import List : List[List[int]]
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    • from typing import Dict
    • Dictionary typing: x: Dict[str, str] = {"a": "b"}
  • 10:56

    • from typing import Set
    • Set typing: x: Set[str] = {"a", "b"}
  • 11:42`

    • Custom Typing:

    • from typing import List
      Vector = List[float]	
      def foo(v: Vector) -> Vector:
    • alt

    • Can also use our own custom types like this:

    • from typing import List
      Vector = List[float]
      Vectors = List[Vector]
      def foo(v: Vectors) -> Vectors:
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    • Optional typing

    • from typing import Optional
      def foo(output: Optional[bool]=False):
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    • Any Type is the same as not adding an annotation but more explicit

    • from typing import Any
      def foo(output: Any):
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    • Sequence Type

    • from typing import Sequence
      def foo(seq: Sequence[str]):
      foo("Hello") # This is fine because a string is a sequence of characters
      foo(("a", "b", "c")) # a Tuple is an ordered and immutable indexed Object
      foo(["a", "b", "c"]) # A list is an ordered and indexed object 
      foo({1, 2, 3}) # A set is hashed and not indexed or ordered so it cannot be a sequence
      #>>> Last one throws an error because static analysis determines that it is an incompabile type
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    • Tuple Type:

    • from typing import Tuple
      # This is an error because the tuple can contain items of differing types 
      # so you need to specify the type of each item within it
      x: Tuple[int] = (1, 2, 3) 
      x: Tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 2, 3)
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    • Callable Type:

    • from typing import callable, Optional
      def foo(func: Callable[[int, int, Optional[int]], int]) -> None:
      	func(1, 2)
      def add(x: int, y: int) -> int:
      	return x + y
      def foo() -> Callable[[int, int, Optional[int]], int]):
      	def add(x: int, y: int) -> int:
      		return x + y
      	return add
      def foo() -> Callable[[int, int], int]):
      	func: Callable[[int, int], int]) = Lambda x, y: x + y
      	return func
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    • Generics:

    • from typing import TypeVar, List
      T = TypeVar('T')
      def get_item(lst: List[T], index: int) -> T:
      	return lst[index]
