
In General Code

  • __annotations__ gets a returned dictionary of type annotations for the object
  • class.__bases__ The tuple of base classes of a class object.
  • __builtins__
  • __cached__ is the path to any compiled version of the code
  • instance.__class__ The class to which a class instance belongs.
  • R __closure__ None or a tuple of cells that contain bindings for the function’s free variables.
  • __code__ The code object representing the compiled function body.
  • __defaults__ A tuple containing default args values for those args that have defaults, or None
  • object.__dict__ The namespace supporting arbitrary function attributes.
  • __doc__ The function’s documentation string, or None if unavailable; not inherited by subclasses.
  • __file__ The absolute path to the file that the code currently executing is within
  • R __globals__ A reference to the dict that holds the function’s global vars
    • the global namespace of the module in which the function was defined.
  • __import__ will return the top level module of a package, unless you pass a nonempty fromlist arg
  • __kwdefaults__ A dict containing defaults for keyword-only parameters.
  • __loader__
  • __main__ The Entry point to a program, used in if __name__ == "__main__":
  • __module__ The name of the module the function was defined in, or None if unavailable.
  • __mro__
  • __name__ The function’s name. same as __qualname__ but not showing the parents
  • __package__
  • __path__
  • __qualname__ A dotted name showing the “path” from the global scope to an item in that module
  • __spec__ None in __main__ or interactive mode otherwise, information about the module
  • class.__subclasses__() Returns a list of weak references to its immediate alive subclasses.