
  • Jupyter
  • vscode Extensions
    • ms-python.python Python language support
    • ms-python.vscode-pylance Python language support
    • brainfit.vscode-importmagic Fix missing module imports
    • formulahendry.code-runner Code runner to run the language for output and not just python code
    • AI Code Completion
    • almenon.arepl Coding REPL
    • njpwerner.autodocstring Auto Generatre Doc Strings
    • kevinrose.vsc-python-indent Correct Indentation
    • dongli.python-preview Preview execution stack
    • littlefoxteam.vscode-python-test-adapter Python Test explorer
    • njqdev.vscode-python-typehint Data type hint
    • ms-pyright.pyright for static type checking
    • ❌️ nikolapaunovic.tkinter-snippets tkinter (Private) snippets
    • njqdev.vscode-python-typehint Data type hint
    • jithurjacob.nbpreviewer Jupyter Notebook Support and Viewing
    • ms-toolsai.jupyter Jupyter Notebook Support and Viewing

Build Tools


Visualization Tools

Project Oversight

  1. Jupyter
  2. Kite