
Given data:

const items = [
    { name: 'Bike',     price: 100  },
    { name: 'TV',       price: 200  },
    { name: 'Album',    price: 10   },
    { name: 'Book',     price: 5    },
    { name: 'Phone',    price: 500  },
    { name: 'Computer', price: 1000 },
    { name: 'Keyboard', price: 25   }

For Each

does not return anything, basically acts like a for loop and takes a function as an argument as what you will be doing with each value

"for each item in items, do the thing"

items.forEach((item) => {


Reading like English:

  • for each item in the array object, pass it to the arrow function #2
  • for each item i receive, log it
  • next item

no returned objects just pure action