

Use the package via:

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear-icomp]{biblatex} \addbibresource{<file path to .bib file>}

To print our your bibliography:


\textcite{<ref>} will add a reference like Mould [1] but 'Mould' would be the name of the ref you passed in and it has that number but adding style=authoryear-icomp to the biblatex package optional arg will change it to Mould (2003) with no brackets and numbers

\parencite{<ref>} is what I typically like and use and appears like (Mould 2003)


  • address
  • annote
  • author
    • booktitle
    • chapter
    • crossref
    • edition
    • editor
    • institution
    • journal
    • key
    • month
    • note
    • number
    • organization
    • pages
  • publisher
    • school
    • series
  • title
    • type
    • volume
  • year
  • URL
  • ISBN
    • ISSN
    • LCCN
    • abstract
    • keywords
    • price
    • copyright
    • language
    • contents


This package is used for references and bibliographies

Reference guide

Standard entry types
  • article
    • Article from a magazine or journal
  • booklet
    • A work that is printed but have no publisher or sponsoring institution
  • conference
    • An article in a conference proceedings
  • inbook
    • A part of a book (section, chapter and so on)
  • incollection
    • A part of a book having its own title
  • inproceedings
    • An article in a conference proceedings
  • manual
    • Technical documentation
  • masterthesis
    • A Master's thesis
  • misc
    • Something that doesn't fit in any other type
  • phdthesis
    • A PhD thesis
  • proceedings
    • The same as conference
  • techreport
    • Report published by an institution
  • unpublished
    • Document not formally published, with author and title