A Cheat Sheet for Working with Json in Sql Server


There are a few key functions for working with JSON in SQL Server.

  • OPENJSON — open a JSON string into a query-able object
  • FOR JSON — format data back into a JSON String
  • ISJSON — check if a string is a valid JSON format
  • JSON_VALUE — extract a specific value from a JSON object
  • JSON_QUERY — extract embedded objects and lists from a JSON object
  • JSON_MODIFY — update values in a JSON object

function graphic


SET @json = N'{JSON:HERE}'

Path Expressions

We write JSON “Path Expressions” to get data out of objects with either the JSON_VALUE or JSON_QUERY Functions. The Path Expressions allow for the following patterns.

json path

Querying JSON Objects


querying with some json retained

Rename Values on Selection

JSON_MODIFY(<json object>, <path to select>, <new value>)

json modify

Lax vs Strict mode

JSON queries can also use a lax or strict mode to help control the behavior when data does not exist or when fields are not found. Specifying the mode at the beginning of a query string will enforce the mode.

SELECT * FROM OPENJSON(@json, N'lax $.info');

