Scope Resolution Operator

Scope Resolution Operator

in the class we may declare member functions but if there is a lot of logic we don't want to crowd the class so we may take advantage of the Scope Resolution Operator: ::. Similar to how R code uses :: to access functions from specific packages. We do this by putting a Functions in the class declaration and then the Functions below which houses all the logic:

void   SetTime(int timeRunSecs);       // Time run in seconds

}; // end of the class declaration

// "RunnerInfo::" means SetTime is a RunnerInfo member function
void RunnerInfo::SetTime(int timeRunSecs) {
   timeRun = timeRunSecs;  // timeRun refers to data member

If a member function has the word const after its declaration like:

double GetSpeedMph() const;            // Speed in miles/hour

from the Example above, then this means that this member function cannot change the value of any data member or else an error is thrown.