import and send a log message straight to terminal
from loguru import logger
logger.debug("That's it, beautiful and simple logging!")
- want to add a log file as well as sending to stdout? simply pass the path to the file and it will append or create if it doesnt exist
- you can also use variable components:
- Additionally handlers and criteria once this are filtered through this:
logger.add(sys.stderr, format="{time} {level} {message}", filter="my_module", level="INFO")
- catch exceptions
def my_function(x, y, z):
# An error? It's caught anyway!
return 1 / (x + y + z)
- back tracing and diagnosis of errors can also be added to a log file with a few additional kwargs:
logger.add("out.log", backtrace=True, diagnose=True)
- Add custom fields and bind them to values you desire and want to compute
logger.add("file.log", format="{extra[ip]} {extra[user]} {message}")
context_logger = logger.bind(ip="", user="someone")
context_logger.info("Contextualize your logger easily")
context_logger.bind(user="someone_else").info("Inline binding of extra attribute")
context_logger.info("Use kwargs to add context during formatting: {user}", user="anybody")