Text Repl

Text Replacement In Bash

  • Bash tip: instead of spawning an instance of sed, you can do text replacement in "pure" Bash like status="${status//,/}". Breaking that down:
  • status= # assign a new value to the Bash variable status.
  • status="${ … }" # I just always use double quotes when doing parameter (and command) substitution.
  • status="${status … }" # the new value I am assigning to status is the expansion of (value of) status, BUT first we alter that value…
  • status="${status//PATTERN/STRING}" # the // means "globally replace" (a single / would replace the first occurrence of PATTERN)

firstString="I love Suzi and Marry, but Suzi Most"
echo "${firstString/Suzi/$secondString}"    # prints 'I love Sara and Marry'

  1. Doc