Insert Into
INSERT INTO database.schema.table (<col1>, <col2>, <col3>) VALUES
(<val1>, <val2>, <val3>)
, (<val1>, <val2>, <val3>)
, (<val1>, <val2>, <val3>)r
-- OR
INSERT INTO database.schema.table
SELECT <columns>
FROM <other_table>
is also used with temp table creation:
From Temp Tables
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Temporary Tables
Temp Tables are result sets that are stored in memory for the live of the connection session. There are two types:
- Only available for the session that created them.
- Deleted once the session is terminated.
- Denoted with a
prepended to the table name.
- Available for all sessions and users.
- Not deleted until the last session using them is terminated
- CAN be explicitly deleted
- Denoted with
prepended to the table name
- Stored in memory and are FAST
- Helps to modularize your code instead of monolithic queries
You CAN simply just create the new table but to use the tables iteratively while testing they need to be explicitly deleted for re-use. The best method for this is the following code:
IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#table') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #table
INTO #table
FROM other_table
WHERE Age > 55
Template Version
IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#<Temp Table Name, Table,>') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #<Temp Table Name, Table,>