This Implicit Parameter

Within a member function, the implicitly-passed object pointer is accessible via the name this. In particular, a member can be accessed as this->member. The -> is the member access operator for a pointer, similar to the . operator for non-pointers.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class ShapeSquare {
      void   SetSideLength(double sideLength);
      double GetArea() const;
      double sideLength;

void ShapeSquare::SetSideLength(double sideLength) {
   this->sideLength = sideLength; // Refer to data member with same
   // Data member      Parameter  // name as the passed in parameter

double ShapeSquare::GetArea() const{
   return sideLength * sideLength; // Both refer to data member

int main() {
   ShapeSquare square1;

   cout << "Square's area: " << square1.GetArea() << endl;

   return 0;