In Oop

In OOP Code

items can have their operations, __add__ == ( + ) have their operations of arithmatic assignments __iadd__ == ( += ) and If one of those methods does not support the operation with the supplied arguments, it should return NotImplemented == __radd__.

  • __add__ == ( + ) __add__
  • __sub__ == ( - )
  • __mul__ == ( * )
  • __matmul__ == ( @ )
  • __truediv__ == ( \ )
  • __floordiv__ == ( \\ )
  • __mod__ == ( % )
  • __divmod__ == divmod()
  • __pow__ == ( ** )
  • __lshift__ == ( << )
  • __rshift__ == ( >> )
  • __and__ == ( & )
  • __xor__ == ( ^ )
  • __or__ == ( | )
  • __lt__ == ( < )
  • __le__ == ( <= )
  • __eq__ == ( == )
  • __ne__ == ( != )
  • __gt__ == ( > )
  • __ge__ == ( >= )
  • __neg__ == ( - )
  • __pos__ == ( + )
  • __abs__ == abs()
  • __invert__ == ( ~ )
  • __complex__ == complex()
  • __int__ == int()
  • __float__ == float()
  • __index__
  • __round__ == round()
  • __trunc__ == math.trunc()
  • __floor__ == math.floor()
  • __ceil__ == math.ceil()
  • Dictionary Dunders
    • __setitem__ When assigning values in a dictionary
    • __getitem__ Executed when we run the dict['key'] type of operation
    • __delitem__ ran when deleting a dictionary value del dict['key']
    • __contains__ Executed when we run the in operator if item in class_instance:
    • __len__ Is called if we ran a len() operation on our class instance
  • __call__ if instance = Class() then __call__ is ran when we do: instance() right after
  • __init__ init function is run as soon as a class instance is generated. It's the constructor.
  • __post_init__ used in Data Classes for after __init__ as thats overwritten by data class
  • __getattr__ Called when the default attribute access fails with an AttributeError
  • __getattribute__ Called unconditionally to implement attribute accesses for instances of the class.
    • If the class also defines __getattr__(), the latter will not be called unless
      • __getattribute__() either calls it explicitly or raises an AttributeError.
  • __setattr__ Called when an attribute assignment is attempted.
    • This is called instead of the normal mechanism (i.e. store the value in the instance dictionary).
  • __delattr__ Like __setattr__() but for attribute deletion instead of assignment.
    • This should only be implemented if del is meaningful for the object.
  • __dir__ Called when dir() is called on the object. A sequence must be returned.
    • dir() converts the returned sequence to a list and sorts it.
  • __format__ when the class is being formatted in an fstring for with .format()
  • __bool__
  • __del__ The destructor of the class and what runs when attempting to del instance
  • __bytes__ Computes a byte-string representation of an object. This should return a bytes object.
  • __format__ produces a “formatted” string representation of an object.
  • __hash__
  • __repr__ Returns a representation of an object instance as a string __repr__
  • __str__ when not defined it calls __repr__ by default to represent the instance as a string __str__
  • __unicode__ New preferred method compared to __str__ in python 2
    • Python 3 uses unicode and therefore defaults to the __str__ method
  • __enter__ Enter the runtime context related to this object using the with statement
  • __exit__ Exit the runtime context related to this object
  • __reversed__ not used with slice [::-1] but rather with reversed()
  • __slots__

  1. Dictionary Dunders
  2. __add__
  3. __new__
  4. __repr__
  5. __str__