Youtube Dl

  • Can be used to download videos from webpages with minimal arguments if i go to any directory and run:
    • youtube-dl
  • It will download the YouTube video. plenty of other options available in the man pages
    • Single video URL
    • Playlist URL (downloads all individual videos)
    • Channel URL (downloads all videos on the entire YouTube channel)
    • -F shows all the formats available for the video download
    • -f followed by a number picks that download options for video quality
    • -f bestaudio will download only the best audio for the video (GREAT FOR MUSIC DOWNLOADS)
    • -f140 Downloads the highest quality mp4 files with no errors
    • --write-thumbnail will download the thumbnail(s) of the video(s)
    • --skip-download will skip the download of the actual video but with other options might do something like still download the thumbnails

  1. Cmd