returns the first Element within the document that matches the specified selector, or group of selectors. If no matches are found, null
is returned.
Finding the first element matching a class
In this example, the first element in the document with the class "myclass
" is returned:
var el = document.querySelector(".myclass");
A more complex selector
Selectors can also be really powerful, as demonstrated in the following example. Here, the first <input>
element with the name "login" (<input name="login"/>
) located inside a <div>
whose class is "user-panel main" (<div class="user-panel main">
) in the document is returned:
var el = document.querySelector("div.user-panel.main input[name='login']");
As all CSS selector strings are valid, you can also negate selectors:
var el = document.querySelector("div.user-panel:not(.main) input[name='login']");
This will select an input with a parent div with the user-panel class but not the main class.
- Reference: