Rust, Clang, Python, Oh My!
It's been a bit, i promise that i was intending to post more often than this but i've had a lot going on, as im sure most do during the holidays.
So i have been playing around with C
, Rust
, and
to see what i like about the languages. As with most
programmers i feel, i learn best working with project based learning but my
problem is that i cant think of projects i really want to make. I
personally work best with business use cases and feel i learn best when im
hacking on something at work for a reason that benefits my workplace or
improves some facet of operations.
I really like a lot of things about Rust
and the
Community, namely how well documented it is, how many
resources are out there for it, how much is being done for it's development,
the emphasis on security, and interfaces with C
code to begin
migration to a more secure memory safe codebase. There's a lot to like about
it but really i just don't really have a project idea in mind to tackle with
it, but it does seem interesting, and to be a part of something that is just
developing is always appealing to me.
I hope that i eventually get the time to invest and actually find a project i
want to work on with Rust
because it seems like a cool language
to develop with. All that said what have i actually been up to these days?
well i've definitely been procrastinating on my websites development, i
technically dont even have a homepage created yet, its just the blog stuff
that's up and running so thats kind of sad, i really need to finish the home
What i have been working on is a lot of work related use cases and programming,
For querying an enterprise wide data warehouseR
* For all things stats, data analysis and data viz-
The web stack is weirdly coming in handy in this new role for some work -
Cerner Command Language basically SQL with other stuff included to use for medical software querying - And lots of other one off items and things for general development practices
*with R
i actually got a connection set up to the data warehouse so
i can effectively query directly from RStudio
and just shove the
query output into a data frame and create some data visualizations with the data
using various packages like ggplot2
which have yielded some cool
I really enjoy the R
language and all the things it has been
stretched to do but also its beautiful charts and visualizations as well as
documentation it can create. I have said it before but i like with programming
to have a product as fast as possible as it is much easier to stay motivated
with programming to have a project or visceral product produced that you can
refine and hack on. R
can send email, create interactive
dashboards, produce a variety of documentation and presentations with markdown
syntax and R
code. It is a quirky language but theres a lot i
like about it and i hope to continue to use it more along with
and the front end web stack.
I have several videos planned for my youtube channel on various linux and programming things some of which are related to the topics covered here but ill produce a write-up for them on here (this is me being optimistic about my ability to commit to blogging).
Today i actually saw in a newsletter im subscribed to for
related material, a package called patchwork
makes it easier to consolidate R
visuals into a single image and
group items together and i tested it out and it is great! the syntax to create
these grouped visuals is very human friendly, here's some sample code and
output you can run in R studio to see the result:
# A few more plots to play with
p1 <- ggplot(mpg) +
geom_point(aes(hwy, displ))
p2 <- ggplot(mpg) +
geom_bar(aes(manufacturer, fill = stat(count))) +
p3 <- ggplot(mpg) +
geom_smooth(aes(hwy, cty)) +
p4 <- ggplot(mpg) +
geom_tile(aes(factor(cyl), drv, fill = stat(count)), stat = 'bin2d')
(p1 | p2) /
layout <- '
p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + plot_layout(design = layout)

As for my current projects, im still trying to finish this darn website to a
point that is not embaressing, at work im trying to wrap my head around Shiny
dashboards developed as R
packages with
unit tests and all.
i guess that is all for now, always a lot going on but im just trying to increase my programming skills while maintaining my health and fitness, which means at home i try to prioritize health and fitness and at work i hope for business use cases to sharpen my programming skills so that i can devote more of my personal time to exercise and health to support the worklife. Lately its been the keto diet, a calisthenics program by FitnessFAQ on youtube, which i am LOVING with nightly 3mi walks and sometimes longer hikes on the weekends with the lady.
well thats enough rambling for now, if you'd like to ever change just shoot me an email at
Tue, 2019 Dec 3rd, 06:27 GMT-8