Front End Development, and A CLI Business Card
Lately I've been looking into front end development because it is what I am currently engaged in at work. I mostly just know a little front end development from messing with MySpace back in the day, and playing with my own current website. I was thinking of getting into Vue.js for development but now it looks like angular1.7 is what i have to use at work and so with that im learning how to do angular which im meh about. I plan to make more changes to the homepage such as a long scrolling sectioned document instead of the floated panel that i currently have, and maybe include more images, we'll see. I also want to flesh out more of the leather working page as that will be my website staging place for my business. Don't even get my started on my consulting page, i don't even know what i'm going to be doing with that.
Speaking of my business, I happened to get a great deal and purchased a leather sewing machine so i can ramp up production and lower prices for my customers. I plan to do an unboxing video of it when it arrives, but i will be posting more (i hope) on my Business Youtube Page. I also have a podcast tonight with Brodie Robertson that will be uploaded to his podcast page Tech Over Tea So that should be a fun experience.
Lastly i had a lot of fun developing it when i found a template but im happy with how my terminal business card came out once CURL'd and if you'd like to curl it and see it you can run this command and see how it looks:
curl -sL | sh
You can check out the video on the terminal business card [HERE]