How I Configure Newsboat For All My Content In RSS
When I found out about NewsBoat I was immediately interested in the possibilities it presented. I was never too familiar with RSS feeds or what they were but after seeing recommendations on the Art of Manliness blog, and seeing what could be done with NewsBoat I began to get hooked on the idea of minimalist web content consumption. Fast forward and almost a year into using this Arch Linux system, I am still learning a lot every day, but I dove in deeper into NewsBoat configuration and functionality and now I am really happy with where I'm at and where I see myself going with this.
Now in my NewsBoat url's file I have all my twitter feeds, sub reddits, YouTube channels, blogs, academic journals, you name it! I now have everything in NewsBoat and with some of the macros and the mappings I'm able to consume all my media through NewsBoat completely in the terminal and with minimal programs so that I don't have to rely on a web browser 100% of the time.
Through this process of growing into using NewsBoat for all of my media consumption, I found that I was actually being picky-er about what I invested my time in and that I didn't get trapped in the recommendation algorithms so much or get caught by click bait nearly as often. One thing I like is that with YouTube I managed to easily convert all of my subscriptions to NewsBoat subscriptions from a single exported XML
document that I cleaned and formatted with several Vim macros. I made a whole video/post on this process which you can read/watch [HERE].
I have spent a good chunk of time messing with the NewsBoat configuration and I finally have things in a good place to just leave them alone and enjoy them for now with minor additions here and there. I do hope you'll check out the video on this topic which can be viewed on YouTube [HERE] and it will premier on May 6th 2020 at 0700.